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nuvoton numaker-uno


Open-source platform supporting Arduino IDE, IAR EWARM & Keil RVMDK




Attribute Value
Core Processor
Cortex M0
Supported Devices
Arduino Compatible

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. NuMicro NuMaker UNO Development Board is an Arduino compatible hardware using NuMicro MCU as the microcontroller. Its function can be extended with Arduino add-ons. Users can use Arduino IDE to develop their applications and leverage a large number of open source samples.

The NuMaker UNO is a specific development tool for NuMicro™ Cortex®-M0 series by which users can develop and verify the application program easily. The purpose is to provide a set of development and learning of both packages, with ADC, PWM, I²C, SPI, etc. peripheral functions, users can replace NuEdu-UNO development kits with different functions can also be based on user needs its own peripheral functions development Kit, easy to use and yet develop the required flexibility. The NuEdu-UNO includes two portions: evaluation board and Nu-Link debugger/programmer. With the NuEdu-UNO include Nu-Link, users do not need additional ICE or debug equipment.


  • Learning / Applications / debug: full range of development tools
  • Easy to carry the development debug kit
  • Rich microcontroller peripheral functions, such as ADC, PWM, I²C, SPI,  UART…
  • With high scalability: Connection board can change to a different application modules
  • Support Arduino UNO Revision 3 connectivity
  • Support Virtual COM port on USB
  • Support Arduino IDE, IAR EWARM and Keil RVMDK development environment
  • Extension Resources
    • Nuvoton Microelectronics Morpho extension pin headers for full access to all NUC131 I/Os
    • On-board Nu-Link debugger/programmer with SWD connector
  • Flexible board power supply
    • USB VBUS(can use jump to change 5V or 3.3V)
    • External VIN (7V<VIN<12V) supply voltage from transformer
    • External 2.5 ~ 5.5V supply voltage from other power source input to VDD pin
  • LEDs statusPower, user, Tx, Rx and ICE status.
  • One push buttons for RESET.

Arduino IDE & Board Installation Guide

  1. Download and Install the Nu-Link USB Driver.
  2. Download Arduino IDE from
  3. Run Arduino IDE installer to install it on PC.
  4. Run Arduino IDE. Go to File → Preferences, enter the following URL to textbox of ‘Additional Board Manager URLs’
  5. Arduino IDE: go to Tools → Board → Boards Manager
  6. NuMaker UNO will show up on the list, select NuMaker UNO and click install.
    After the package download is finished, go to Tools → Board and select NuMaker UNO to use it.

*Note: Please make sure the internet connection is active and unblocked.

More information

Packaging *

In Stock: 3

MOQ: 1 / MPQ: 1

Total USD 20.00
QuantityUnit Price
1USD 20.00000
Technical Documentation
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